副教授——王双 |
职称 |
副教授 |
系别 |
光学工程 |
职务 |
课题组 |
光电技术与光纤传感实验室 |
联系电话 |
022-27409621 |
电子邮件 |
sarahwang@tju.edu.cn |
通讯地址 |
天津大学精仪学院 |
邮政编码 |
300072 |
办公地址 |
天津大学26楼C座410室 |
主讲课程 |
导师类型 |
光学工程-硕导、博导 |
个人经历或学术经历: |
2019.03—至今 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院 副教授
2014.09—2019.02天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院 讲师
2016.12—2017.12美国克莱姆森大学 访问学者
2011.09—2014.06博士 天津大学 精密仪器与光电子工程学院 光学工程专业
2005.09—2007.06硕士 天津大学 精密仪器与光电子工程学院 光学工程专业
2001.09—2005.06本科 山东大学 计算机科学与技术学院 计算机科学与技术专业 |
研究方向 |
从事光纤传感技术、光电检测技术等领域的研究工作。 |
科研项目、成果和专利 |
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于多振膜耦合机理的光纤声定位传感理论与方法研究”,2021/01-2024/12,负责人
- 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“储能电池光纤传感器温度与压力检测”,2021/01-2025/12,课题负责人
- 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项,“微纳结构动态特性测试仪中的振动模态数据预处理及特征频率提取算法研究”,2018/10-2021/09,子任务负责人
- 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项,“光纤力热复合测试仪驱动控制与数据采集模块技术研发”,2015/06-2021/03,子任务负责人
- 中电集团第四十九研究所项目,“超高温压力传感器的解调系统研制”,2020/04-2022/04,负责人
- 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, “光纤微腔式高精度海洋压力测量方法研究”,2016/01-2018/12,负责人
- 天津市自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,“用于深潜器的光纤压力传感技术与解调方法研究”,2016/04-2019/03,负责人
- 中交天和设备制造有限公司项目,“盾构拼装机自动化研发”,2016/12-2020/12,负责人
- 中国科学院声学研究所项目,“光纤法布里-珀罗声传感解调技术研究”、2021/09-2021/11,负责人
- 中国科学院声学研究所项目,“基于光干涉方法的薄膜振动测量技术研究”、2018/12-2019/03,负责人
- 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(资助等级:一等),“基于偏振低相干干涉的大动态范围光纤法珀压力传感研究”,2016/01-2017/12,负责人
- 北京卫星环境工程研究所项目,“基于光纤传感技术的低气压环境下声波传播特性检测”,2016/04-2017/04,负责人
- 北京卫星环境工程研究所项目,“光纤温度传感器研制”,2015/06-2016/05,负责人
- 北京卫星环境工程研究所项目,“基于光干涉方法的薄膜振动测量技术研究”,2018/12 -2019/03,负责人
- 天津市长龙宏业燃气设备有限公司项目,“气动推杆光纤监测系统”,2015/06-2015/12,负责人
- 天津大学自主创新基金,“高速空间光通信收发一体系统的理论与关键技术研究”,2019/01-2019/12,负责人
- 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“水下多参量光纤传感基础研究”,2018/01-2022/12,主要参与人
- 国家自然科学基金仪器专项,“飞机大气压力光纤传感阵列监测仪”,2013/01-2016/12,主要参与人
- 国家重点基础研究发展计划课题(973计划),“光纤智能传感网实验平台关键技术及其应用的基础研究”,2010/01-2014/08,参与人
- 天津市科技支撑计划重点项目,“高精度大气压力光纤传感系统”,2011/04-2014/03,主要参与人
- 教育部科学技术研究重大项目,“飞机大气压力数据嵌入式系统基础理论及应用研究”,2013/01-2015/12,主要参与人
- 王双,江俊峰,刘铁根,王雪,刘琨,肖梦楠,巨冬冬,光纤MEMS压力传感器F‑P腔内残余压力测量系统及方法 (授权号:ZL201710816205.0)
- 王双,江俊峰,刘铁根,王雪,刘琨,张鹏,吴雯,利用光纤法珀气体折射率和温度传感系统实现的测量方法 (申请号:ZL201811556114.9)
- 王双,江俊峰,闪晨曦,刘铁根,刘琨,赵梓旭,基于偏振干涉技术的光纤马赫-曾德干涉仪光程差测量装置及方法 (授权号:ZL201810394481.7)
- 王双,江俊峰,刘铁根,于迅,刘琨,张婉意,康文倩,吴志洋,吴雯,高条纹可见度的蓝宝石光纤高温传感器及其温度测量方法 (授权号:ZL201811479759.7)
- 王双,刘铁根,江俊峰,肖梦楠,刘琨,何盼,一种高分辨率偏振低相干干涉压力测量装置及方法 (授权号:ZL201511016364.x)
- 王双,江俊峰,刘铁根,刘琨,张天昊,樊茁,张学智,基于双可调谐激光器的光纤法珀声振动传感装置及解调方法 (申请号:ZL201510967850.3)
- 刘铁根,江俊峰,王双,刘琨,尹金德,石俊峰,吴振海,张学智,基于位置相关色散特性的快速低相干干涉解调方法 (授权号:ZL201410007974.2)
- 刘铁根,江俊峰,王双,刘琨,尹金德,吴振海,基于频谱非线性效应色散补偿的低相干干涉解调方法 (授权号:ZL201310344568.0)
- 江俊峰,刘铁根,王双,刘琨,尹金德,吴振海,吴凡,秦尊琪,基于色散特征和包络峰值的低相干干涉解调方法 (授权号:ZL201310164536.2)
- 江俊峰,刘铁根,王双,刘琨,尹金德,吴凡,秦尊琪,邹盛亮,基于双折射色散的皮米量级位移测量装置及测量方法 (授权号:ZL201310015107.9)
- 刘铁根,江俊峰,王双,刘琨,尹金德,王少华,孟祥娥,张以谟,吴凡,秦尊琪,阵列式多通道光纤法珀压力传感装置及压力测量方法 (授权号:ZL201210282641.1)
- 刘铁根,江俊峰,刘琨,王双,吴振海,宋璐瑶,赵鹏,尹金德,吴凡,航天水升华器混合式光纤传感监测装置和监测方法 (授权号:ZL201310295576.0)
发表学术论文 |
- Xue Wang, Junfeng Jiang*, Shuang Wang*, Kun Liu, and Tiegen Liu, All-silicon dual-cavity fiber-optic pressure sensor with ultralow pressure-temperature cross-sensitivity and wide working temperature range, Photonics Research, 2021, 9(4): 521-529.
- Xun Yu, Shang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Peng Zhang, Wen Wu, and Tiegen Liu, Hybrid sapphire dual-Fabry-Perot-cavities sensor for high temperature and refractive index measurement, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021, 39(12):3911-3918.
- Zhiyuan Li, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang, Mei Sang, Yin Yu, Wenyan Liu, Peng Zhang, and Tiegen Liu, Real-time Pressure Measurement Method based on Rapid Phase Demodulation of Multi-cavities F-P Sensor, IEEE Sensors, 2021, 21(23): 26624-26630.
- Peng Zhang, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Chao Li, Tianhua Xu, Zhiyuan Li, Xun Yu, Yin Yu, Kun Liu, and Tiegen Liu, Mechanical Filter-based Differential Pressure Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot Infrasound Sensor, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2021, 13(3):6800110.
- Zhiyang Wu*, Shuang Wang*, and Tiegen Liu, Optical boundary discrimination in spatial posture measurement, Applied Optics, 2021, 60(13): 3797-3800.
- Jie Dong, Mei Sang*, Shuang Wang*, Tianhua Xu, Xun Yu, and Tiegen Liu, Ultrasensitive Label-Free Biosensor Based on the Graphene-Oxide-Coated-U-Bent Long-Period Fiber Grating Inscribed in a Two-Mode Fiber, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021, 39(12):4013-4019.
- 刘铁根, 于迅, 王双*, 江俊峰*, 刘琨, 高温环境下光纤法珀微腔传感技术研究进展(特邀综述), 激光与光电子学进展, 2021, 58(13): 1306002.
- Shuang Wang, Wen Wu, Mei Sang*, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Xue Wang, Xun Yu, and Tiegen Liu, High-consistency fiber-optic Fabry-Perot sensor based on MEMS for simultaneous temperature and liquid refractive index measurement. Applied Optics, 2020, 59(30):9353-9358.
- Xiaoguang Qi, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Peng Zhang, Renyun Li, and Tiegen Liu, Flywheel-like diaphragm-based fiber-optic Fabry-Perot frequency tailored acoustic sensor, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53(41): 415102.
- Mei Sang, Xiangyu Du, Shuang Wang*, Tianhua Xu, Jie Dong, and Tiegen Liu, Gap-matching algorithm with the impCEEMDAN in scanning white-light interference microscopy, Optics Express, 2020, 28(10): 15101-15111.
- Shuang Wang, Wen Wu, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Xue Wang, Xun Yu, Weian Cai, Xiaofei Zhang, and Tiegen Liu, Batch-producible Hybrid Fabry-Perot Fiber-Optic Sensors for Dual-parameters Measurement, 2019 PIERS- Fall IEEE, 2020: 1588-1594. (invited)
- Kaixian Dong, Shundong Yang, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Zhiyang Wu, Jie Zhou, and Tiegen Liu, Automatic segment assembly in shield method using multiple imaging sensors, Proccedings of the SPIE, International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology 2019: Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Systems, 2020, 11439:114391H.
- Xun Yu, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Wen Wu, and Tiegen Liu, Influence of wafer materials on the response speed of extrinsic optical fiber Fabry-Perot high temperature sensors, Proccedings of the SPIE, 2019 International Conference On Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Sensors and Applications, 2020. (invited)
- Zhiyang Wu, Lianhao Zhang, Shuang Wang*, Suyang Guo, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Jie Zhou, Kaixian Dong, and Tiegen Liu*, Automatic segment assembly method of shield tunneling machine based on multiple optoelectronic sensors, Proccedings of the SPIE, International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology 2019: Optical Sensor and Applications, 2020, 11436: 114360U.
- Mengdi Li, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Lihong Yu, and Tiegen Liu, Cryogen Adaptive and Integrated Differential Pressure Sensor for Level Sensing Based on Optical Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Applied Optics, 2020, 59(8): 2457-2461.
- Shuang Wang*, Jie Zhou, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Qun Han, Yanan Duan, Rundong Wang, and Tiegen Liu, Multi-channel polarized low-coherence interference synchronous demodulation system based on a matrix charge-coupled device, Chinese Optics Letters, 2020, 18(7): 071202.
- Yi Huang, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Xuezhi Zhang, Peng Zhang, and Tiegen Liu*, Orthogonal Phase Demodulation of Optical Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometer Based on Birefringent Crystals and Polarization Technology, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2020, 12(3): 7101209.
- Zhichao Lv, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang , Kun Liu, Xuezhi Zhang, Xiaoguang Qi, Xue Wang, and Tiegen Liu*, Long-Sensing-Length Strain Sensor Based on Optical Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometer With HCF-SMF Structure, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019, 11(6): 6803408
- Rundong Wang#, Shuang Wang#* (#both authors contributed equally), Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Xue Wang, Xuezhi Zhang, Zhenyang Ding, Chao Wang, and Tiegen Liu. Fringe-Distortion-Correction for Polarized Low-Coherence Interferometry with Phosphor-Based LED. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019, 37(14): 3557-3562
- Xue Wang, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Peng Zhang, Wen Wu, and Tiegen Liu. High-accuracy hybrid fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensor based on MEMS for simultaneous gas refractive-index and temperature sensing. Optics Express, 2019, 27(4): 4204-4215
- Xun Yu, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Zhiyang Wu, and Tiegen Liu.Yu, X. Self-filtering high-resolution dual-sapphire-fiber-based high temperature sensor. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019, 37(4), 1408-1414
- Xiaoguang Qi, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Xue Wang, Yiguang Yang, and Tiegen Liu. Fiber Optic Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensor with Embedded MEMS Micro-Cavity for Ultra-High Pressure Detection. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019, 37(11): 2719-2725
- Shuang Wang*, Chenxi Shan, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Xiaofei Zhang, Qun Han, Jincheng Lei, Hai Xiao and Tiegen Liu. Temperature-insensitive curvature sensor based on anti-resonant reflection guidance and Mach–Zehnder interferometer hybrid mechanism. Applied Physics Express, 2019 (preprint)
- Tiegen Liu, Wanchen Zhang, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Xue Wang, Jinshi Zhang, Temperature insensitive and integrated differential pressure sensor for liquid level sensing based on an optical fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018, 10(4): 6803208
- Junfeng Jiang, Zixu Zhao, Shuang Wang*, Kun Liu, Yi Huang, Chenxi Shan, Hai Xiao, Tiegen Liu, Optical fiber Fabry–Perot interferometer based on phase-shifting technique and birefringence crystals, Optics Express, 2018, 26(17): 21606-21614
- Tiegen Liu, Chi Zhang, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Xuezhi Zhang, Xue Wang, Simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature based on adjustable line scanning polarized low-coherence interferometry with compensation plate, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018, 10(4): 7104109
- Zhe Yu#, Shuang Wang#(#both authors contributed equally), Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Xuezhi Zhang, Hai Xiao, Tiegen Liu*, Investigation of fused tapering with inner pressurized air for microcapillary-based optical sensor, Optical Fiber Technology, 2018, 45: 244-249
- Shuang Wang, Jinshi Zhang, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Xue Wang, Xuezhi Zhang, Zhiyang Wu, Jie Zhou, Hai Xiao, and Tiegen Liu, Position-deviation-compensation demodulation method for multi-channel polarized low-coherence interferometry, Optics Express, 2018, 26(13): 17407-17417
- Kun Liu, Dongdong Ju, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang, Mengnan Xiao, Xue Wang, and Tiegen Liu, An Improved Optical Fiber Remote Sensing Method Based on Polarized Low-Coherence Interferometry, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018, 10(1): 1943-0655
- Xue Wang, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Xuezhi Zhang, Mengnan Xiao, Hai Xiao, Tiegen Liu, Non-destructive residual pressure self-measurement method for the sensing chip of optical Fabry-Perot pressure sensor, Optics Express, 2017, 25(25): 31937-31947
- Junfeng Jiang, Tianhao Zhang, Shuang Wang*, Kun Liu*, Chao Li, Zixu Zhao and Tiegen Liu, Non-contact ultrasonic detection in low-pressure carbon dioxide medium using high sensitivity fiber-optic Fabry-Perot sensor system, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2017, 35(23): 5079-5085
- Junfeng Jiang, Mengnan Xiao, Shuang Wang*, Kun Liu*, Xue Wang, and Tiegen Liu, Polarized low-coherence interferometer based on a matrix CCD and birefringence crystal with a two-dimensional angle, Optics Express, 2017, 25(14): 15977-15986
- Shuang Wang, Junfeng Jiang*, Tiegen Liu, Kun Liu, Jinde Yin, Junfeng Shi, Shengliang Zou, and Mingjiang Zhang, Birefringence-dispersion-induced frequency domain nonlinearity compensation for polarized low-coherence interferometry demodulation, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2015, 33(23): 4842-4848
- Shuang Wang, Tiegen Liu, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Jinde Yin, Zunqi Qin, and Shengliang Zou, Zero-fringe demodulation method based on location-dependent birefringence dispersion in polarized low-coherence interferometry, Optics Letters, 2014, 39(7): 1827-1830
- Shuang Wang, Tiegen Liu, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Jinde Yin, and Fan Wu, Birefringence dispersion compensation demodulation algorithm for polarized low-coherence interferometry, Optics Letters, 2013, 38(16): 3169-3172
- Shuang Wang, Tiegen Liu, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Jinde Yin, Fan Wu, Bofu Zhao, Lei Xue, Yunqiao Mei, and Zhenhai Wu, Improving demodulation accuracy of low-coherence interferometer against spatial-frequency nonlinearity, Proccedings of the SPIE, International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology (OIT2013), 2013: 90440M
- 刘畅, 王双*, 梁应剑, 江俊峰, 梅运桥*, 刘琨, 齐晓光, 李鑫, 李元耀, 刘铁根, 光纤法珀压力传感系统设计与风洞初步实验, 红外与激光工程, 2018, 47(7): 0722002
- 江俊峰, 闫金玲, 王双*, 刘琨, 刘铁根, 臧传军, 谢仁伟, 何盼, 楚奇梁, 潘玉恒, 环境变温下光纤布拉格光栅解调中滤波器扫描波动抑制研究, 光学学报, 2016, 36(12): 27-34
- 石俊锋, 刘铁根, 王双*, 江俊峰, 刘琨, 邹盛亮, 肖梦楠, 空间电扫描型低相干干涉长距离光纤传感解调系统, 光学学报, 2016, 36(4): 0406001
- 江俊峰, 秦尊琪, 王双*, 刘铁根, 刘琨, 尹金德, 邹盛亮, 石俊锋, 曹萧. 基于LED调制和光纤阵列的多通道光纤法布里-珀罗传感解调系统研究 , 光学学报, 2015, 35(6): 0606001
- 江俊峰, 邹盛亮, 王双*, 刘铁根, 刘琨, 石俊锋, 空间扫描型光纤法布里-珀罗传感解调中信噪比的影响研究 , 光学学报, 2015, 35(11): 1106003
- Xue Wang, Shuang Wang*, Junfeng Jiang*, Kun Liu, Mengnan Xiao, Xuejiao Chen, Daihua Zhang, and Tiegen Liu, An MEMS optical fiber pressure sensor fabricated by Au-Au thermal-compression bonding, 2017 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Advanced Optical Sensors and Applications, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018, 10618: 106180J
- Zhe Ma, Junfeng Jiang*, Shuang Wang*, Kun Liu, Wenjie Chen, Xuezhi Zhang, Zhenyang Ding, Tiegen Liu, Double-sideband heterogeneous pulse modulation method for distributed acoustic sensing, 2017 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Advanced Optical Sensors and Applications. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018, 10618: 1061807
- 江俊峰, 臧传军, 王双*, 张学智, 刘琨, 杨依宁, 谢仁伟, 樊晓军, 刘铁根, 变温环境FBG解调仪复合多波长参考稳定方法研究, 光电子·激光, 2018, 29(6): 575-581
- 江俊峰, 吴凡, 王双*, 刘琨, 张伟航, 张学智, 刘铁根, 蓝宝石光纤法布里-珀罗高温传感的实验研究, 光电子·激光, 2017, 28(4): 347-353
- 周翔, 桑梅, 王双*, 江俊峰, 杨会甲, 刘铁根, 空间扫描型多通道光纤FP解调系统中LED光功率自适应方法. 光电子·激光, 2017, 28(4): 396-403
- 曹潇, 王双*, 刘琨, 刘铁根, 邹盛亮, 石俊锋, 光纤法布里_珀罗传感解调中信号非线性失真的影响研究, 激光与光电子学进展, 2016, 53(4): 040402
- 樊茁, 王双*, 刘铁根, 刘琨, 何盼, 张天昊, 基于双可调谐激光器的光纤法布里-珀罗声振动传感解调系统研究, 激光与光电子学进展, 2016, 53(4): 042801
奖励、荣誉和学术兼职 |
《Optics Letters》、《Journal of Lightwave Technology》、《Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics》、《Optics Communications》、《Photonics Technology Letters》、《Optical Fiber Technology》等期刊审稿人 |