41. Jia-Qi Xu, Quan-Zhou Zhao, Zi-Bo Zhang, Wing-Han Wong, Dao-Yin Yu, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun and De-Long Zhang, Cascaded photonic crystals in Ti-diffused LiNbO3 strip waveguide, Materials Letters, Vol. 202, pp. 150-153, Sep 2017.
42. Ning Yuan, Hong-Xue Sun, Dan-Dan Ju, Da-Yu Liu, Zi-Bo Zhang, Wing-Han Wong, Feng Song, Dao-Yin Yu, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun and De-Long Zhang, A simple, compact, low-cost, highly efficient thermometer based on green fluorescence of Er3+/Yb3+-codoped NaYF4 microcrystals, Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, Vol. 81, pp. 177-181, Dec 2017.
43. Hong-Xue Sun, Ning Yuan, Zi-Bo Zhang, Qi Sun, Yan Wang, Wing-Han Wong, Chao-Yang Tu, Dao-Yin Yu, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun and De-Long Zhang, Temperature characteristics of green upconversion fluorescence of Er3+-doped SrGdGa3O7 crystal, Journal of Luminescence, Vol. 192, pp. 231-236, Dec 2017.
44. 1.De-Long Zhang, Qun Zhang, Jian Kang, Wing-Han Wong, Dao-Yin Yu and Edwin Yue-Bun Pun, Thermodynamic study on diffusion growth of Ga3+-doped LiNbO3 single crystal thin film for photonic application, Crystal Growth & Design Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 1300-1305, Jan 2016.
45. Ning Yuan, Hong-Xue Sun, Wing-Han Wong, Dao-Yin Yu, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun and De-Long Zhang, Optical temperature sensor based on green fluorescence of Er2O3·3Nb2O5 phosphor, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 806-809, Apr 2016.
46. De-Long Zhang, Qun Zhang, Pei Zhang, Jian Kang, Wing-Han Wong, Dao-Yin Yu and Edwin Yue-Bun Pun, Diffusivity, solubility and thermodynamic modeling of diffusion growth of Ga3+-doped LiTaO3 thin film for integrated optics, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Vol. 97, pp. 93-99, Jun 2016.
47. Wan-Ying Du, Zi-Bo Zhang, Jia-Qi Xu, Wing-Han Wong, Dao-Yin Yu, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun and De-Long Zhang, Electro-optic property of Ti4+-doped LiNbO3 single crystals,Optical Materials Express Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 2593-2599, Aug 2016.
48. Xiao-Fei Yang, Zi-Bo Zhang, Wan-Ying Du, Qun Zhang, Wing-Han Wong, Dao-Yin Yu, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun and De-Long Zhang, Near-stoichiometric Ti:Sc:LiNbO3 strip waveguide for integrated optics, Optical Materials Express Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 2637-2643, Aug 2016.
49. Wan-Ying Du, Zi-Bo Zhang, Shuai Ren, Wing-Han Wong, Dao-Yin Yu, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun and De-Long Zhang, Note: Electro-optic coefficients of Li-deficient MgO-doped LiNbO3 crystal,Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 87, No. 9, Art. No. 096105 (pages 3), Sep 2016.
50. Xiao-Fei Yang, Zi-Bo Zhang, Wan-Ying Du, Qun Zhang, Wing-Han Wong, Dao-Yin Yu, Edwin Yue-Bun Pun and De-Long Zhang, Polarization-insensitive, shallow Ti-diffused near-stoichiometric LiTaO3 strip waveguide for integrated optics, Optics Letters Vol. 41, No. 11, pp. 2513-2516, Jun 2016.